- Make a schedule
Work and responsibilities at home can put a damper on your desire to be fitter. It's hard to motivate yourself for a jog or a visit to the gym if you have lots of things on your plate. The best way to squeeze a workout in is to make a flexible schedule. Look for holes in your current schedule. Yes, no matter how busy you are, there will always be some time in your schedule. Even if it's just 15 minutes. Work your way up from that. When you start getting momentum, target a fixed schedule. Sooner or later, you'll find yourself making more time for the workout.
- Do some dynamic stretching
Flexibility decreases with age. However, if you keep your body in top form it can help delay flexibility issues. That's why even senior citizens are encouraged to stretch and do mild exercises. Always include stretching exercises in your routine. Actually, even in everyday life. Static stretches are no longer the norm. Try dynamic stretches. This type of stretching activity allows your muscles to move freely, thus, they get stretched and warmed up more. Examples of dynamic stretching are arm swings, hip twists, lunges, ankle bounces and toe touches. Make dynamic stretches a permanent fixture in your pre and post workout routine. Include it in your everyday life, as well. Do stretches when you wake up in the morning. At work, after sitting for some time. You'll find that it will do wonders for your flexibility.
- Remember to rehydrate
Most people will always give in to the urge to eat, but the urge to drink? They often set it aside. What happens is they get dehydrated without even knowing it. This is a serious hindrance to your fitness goals. Not to mention it's really bad for your health. Don't forget to rehydrate. Water always works best. If you're doing intense sports or working out, you'll need to a sports drink to replace lost nutrients. Choose one which has less sugar and calories. Also, avoid sodas and energy drinks. Even juices, since they are usually full of sugar. This not only goes for physical activities, but during the course of your day.
- Be smart with what you eat
Mention the word 'diet' and everyone is sure to cringe. But you don't have to go on a strict diet to be in top physical form. You just have to eat smart. Avoid processed foods. Read labels to avoid food with too much sodium, sugar and learn to substitute with healthier alternative. For example, if you crave for French fries why not try sweet potatoes instead? Or eat whole wheat bread instead of white bread? Eat yoghurt instead of ice cream. Even the simplest substitute can have a great effect on your health goals.
- Do some cardio
Cardiovascular exercise is good for your heart. And it also helps you burn calories even at a resting rate. Try to include 20-30 minutes of cardio in your fitness routine and in everyday life. It does not have to be a run or a session at the gym. It could be a walk home, climbing and going down a flight of stairs or in a treadmill at home. Be sure to have a good pair of shoes to protect your feet and maximize your cardio workout. For instance, Reebok footwear is a good pair to start with. An online shop is the easiest way to find Reebok shoes. If you're on a budget you can also be lucky enough to spot Reebok discounts online.
- Remember to live life
Although it's great to be disciplined and keep your fitness goals in mind, don't let it stop you from enjoying life. Eat the foods you like, like pizza and burgers. The trick is not to binge. Don't consider these as comfort food, but an occasional treat. This way, you'll curb any craving for such foods.
Also, take time off from your schedule to get out. Go on a night out or vacation with friends or a partner. Remember that fitness does not only refer to your physical, but your emotional and mental health as well. So don't forget to live life to the fullest.